Bubbles of Life

Life is what life is

Thursday, October 27, 2005

My bundle of joy..

Irina sekarang dah semakin melasak..kalau kat umah taknak langsung orang pegang dia, it's either dia selesa kat dlm walker meluncur ke hulu hilir masuk bilik tido, dapur, bilik air..bla..bla.. or usually i'll spread the comforter with the hope that dia akan berbaring2 dgn baik sambil tgk tv but..sumer tu tak berlaku..in fact living room tu dah mcm territory dia, dgn gaya ala2 commando dia akan menyelinap masuk bawah meja, kerusi mkn and mommy terpaksa angkat n letak dia atas comforter blk..tu la kerja ari2 asik ulang..blk kerja sampai umah around 6, hubby selalu tak tiba lagi..masa ni la Irina ultimate punya melasak..kita sibuk kat dapur nak masak utk buka, dia sibuk tgn menggapai itu ini, blender dah 2 kali dia capai pastu hempas,nasib pelan kalu tak pecah la blender mak..hubby blk then baru boleh masak aman sikit, itupun ntah berapa kali nak kena kejar or observe dia supaya tak menggapai benda2 tak sepatutnya..me and hubby slalu bukak puasa mkn kuih dulu sbb tak boleh nak masak kalu berdua je ng Irina, kul 8.30 baru la dpt mkn nasik..kdg2 halang gak ng kerusi so dia tak dpt masuk dapur tp dia gi beria2 tolak kerusi then dah penat + bengang dia nangis..haaishh.. antara favourite pastime Irina:

  • jilat and tiup lantai
  • suka tgk muka sendiri kat cermin..ala2 syok sendiri la
  • sembur air liur or spat out nestum secara sengaja dgn niat bermain2
  • suka bila mommy letak atas kaki and angkat dia turun naik sambil nyanyi lagu 'tom tom bak mak yong deh deh..' (ni version hentam sendiri)
  • baling barang, apa2 yg dia pegang dia akan baling..mula2 ingat terslip off dr tgn dia, then mommy yg penyabar ni ambik la brg bg dia blk, the moment dia ambik brg tu dia akan baling ke lantai then tgk muka mommy..hhmmff
  • suka cakar and tarik rambut, lagi kuat mommy/abah jerit lagi dia buat dgn muka kegembiraan tak bersalah..dia ingat org syok la dia cakar muka tu
  • cakap 'ennggah..enggah..' tak tau la what/who enggah is..nama imaginery friend dia kot

She's now 7months old..sekejap je dah besar syg masyam mommy..dia mmg masam esp bgn tido, paling masam kat pipi dgn blakang telinga dia(kalu bgn tido laa, tp pas mandi harum mewangi), kdg2 mcm syok lak dpt kiss dia masa kemasaman tgh memuncak(tghari pas dia berpeluh2 main pun memuncak gak kemasaman dia)-she's really grown up as a healthy and active baby even dia selalu kena sakit..sakit apa?pls browse thru the list below:

  • umur 3 bln: chicken pox
  • umur 5 bln: campak/measles
  • within 5 to 7 mth : kena kulat kat mulut (putih2 kat bibir n lidah), demam2 air, kulat kat 'toot' plak sbb tak sapu diapers cream, batuk yg berpanjangan + selsema skali (2 kali gi clinic) and yg terbaru ialah kena cam bisul kecik kat kepala dia..

So mlm td gi clinic and doctor pecahkan bisul tu..ishhh..ngeri tgk nanah darah sumer kuar..Irina langsung tak nangis, cuma bila dah rimas org pegang dia then dia jerit..goshh..kadang2 kesian tgk dia..she's an active baby..even doctor ckp she's hyperactive and mayb bdn tak boleh montel sbb asik bermain..but her growing process and saat2 indah dia selalu terganggu dgn sakit2 cam kat atas tu..i briefly,strongly confidently put the blame on nursery's care, they just being negligence..ni la nasib budak2 yg dok nursery..sorang sakit sumer abis berjangkit..sorang kena bisul then tak jaga kebersihan tilam/bantal then baby lain pun jadik mangsa..botol basuh tak bersih sbb tu mulut kena kulat and it's so happen that my baby punya kulit super sensitive, asikla kena eczema..merah sana sini..kdg2 rasa really not worth of me taking super care of her tp nursery ambik mudah sumer benda..my house everyday mop tak kira la mlm2 buta pun sbb Irina dah pandai jilat2 lantai, botol susu never failed to sterile..baju tukar 4-5 kali..even we never give up of changing her formula milk (doc kata dia alah lactose and protein susu lembu so now we change her diet to soy-based milk, after 4-5 kali tukar brand susu) and to make things worst everytime Irina sakit nursery always failed to give her medicine, bila tanya dah bagi but actually tak..i should consider of finding a new nursery for her..or babysitter should be better..or antar blk kg..

this entry is dedicated heartily to my beloved baby Iman Irina..mommy and abah love u soooo much!!!ok jom tgk gambar dia sdg menunjukkan kelasakan masa tgh tido (i really lurrve to snap her pic masa dia tido)-ok zoom in....focus..see again mulut dia copong nganga je..

ok now, zoom out...ni la ghopemyer akibat melasak tak abis2..tido pun dah lagu ni..

Monday, October 24, 2005


I would say that last weekend was the most tiring yet exciting moment we spent on-On Saturday we went to Cheras to send Irina as me and hubby planned to do some shopping stuff..baju Irina and my kasut and hubby punya seluar jeans..mmm..sounded so sakan kan? We were quite late from home and we only managed to reach KLCC at about 3.30pm..so I wandered around I-Setan and Parkson and managed to get 2 pieces of Irina punya baju..punya la ramai org..yg mak2 budak sibuk acu baju kat bdn anak, yg budak berlari2 then menangis laa..mmm..yg C ni pun sibuk gak, org beli baju nak beraya dia pun sibuk beli baju gak..nasib tak bwk Irina..tak puas ati lagi ni..i went to parkson and we were rushed off at about 5.30..dropped by at pasar ramadhan P.Indah beli murtabak kuih sumer and break our fast at my in-laws place. Around 9pm, we were lepak2 at Coffee Bean Ampang Point with hubby’s friend..we reached home around 12am and zzzz..
Yesterday, we went to Alamanda Putrajaya to accomplish our mission of membeli belah sampai wallet terbelah ..hihi (not really perabis laa, still within budget)-but yg dpt baju hubby and Irina je, my kasut tarak..not so much choice there and we were not really familiar with the place (our 2nd time there) weee..hubby bought me a present!not a present actually..he bought that thing to replace that something I unintentionally lost..very precious thing sbb tu hantaran kawin! thanks Mr R.A muahhss -and again we rushed to go back for buka puasa as hubby really against the idea of buka puasa kat luar yg bersesak2 dgn org and kena tunggu kat meja seawal 6 ptg..so we buka puasa mkn rotiboy je and after Isya’ we went to uptown damansara for some nasik and lala sambal, I was not full yet, planned to order rojak buah but my babe yg masam tu woke up and nak sama2 memeriahkan meja hmmpff..-We went back home and at 11pm I baru terhegeh2 iron hubby and I punya baju kerja, then prepared Irina’s nursery bag, blended lada kering and bawang tgh2 mlm buta ( so sng blk kerja nak masak terus tumis je) and everything settled at about 1am! Hahaha there goes my weekend day..Tiring but exciting.

Selangor was on holiday last Friday (Nuzul Quran) so I managed to get 3 days off. I planned to go to PKNS Shah Alam to get some stuff for my mom but my adik turned up to visit me..not me actually, she came for the sake of Irina, she missed my babe a lot-She reached KL at about 12pm and I fetched her at Petronas Sg Besi-the15min journey was the longest I’ve made as Irina created hassle by struggling in the car seat, she’s really hate to sit inside there! Arghh..i have to stop 2-3 times to adjust her position back..gosh! what a small world..i met my ex-school mate there, he doesn’t look so much different after 9yrs missing, we chatted for a while and he shocked to see me with my lil ‘bundle’..then we just exchanged nos (teringat lak zaman crush kat sekolah dulu..oopss..syg jgn marah eh hihi)So after that me and my sis just lepak2 at home watching tv sampai tertido..my PKNS? In a dream only..i need to look for another one fine day to get my mum and mum in law punya tudung and brooch..haaishh burn my one off day takleh nak shopping..after buka i spent my time lepak2 at Gazebo Subang with my sis, my babe and a few of my frens..my hubby pulak mengasah bakat kat sportsplanet on his attempt to become a futsal big star..kuang kuang..thanks a lot to my dearest friend who make an effort sending my sis to her campus tgh2 mlm buta..this is what we called a real friend, tak berkira masa and tenaga.. even we selalu bertekak gak hihi....trillion thanks to u!
My dad called me at about 11.30pm to checked on my adik..haha..she's quite cheeky compared to us, that's y la selalu kena check, pity u la sis..heheh

Thursday, October 20, 2005


To give cough syrup to my babe has been the toughest task ever. It’s even tougher compared to pull out my armpit hair in a dim glow or to bathe Bozo (my cat) with him screaming and scratching all over me. This morning I’ve been late due to the battle between mommy and her lil daughter..ohh..her abah also in the scenario tried to be the savior. Previous time, the task of giving her medicine never caused us (us; me, hubby, tokmak, tokbak, grandma, grandpa, auntie miera, adik ) headache. It’s so kacang putih thing when we just tickled her to laugh and once she giggled and laughed happily, we injected the syrup into her mouth. Now, at this current moment..yess.. she’s still giggling and laughing when we trick her but once the syringe reach her mouth, she will quickly shut her mouth tightly and shake her head left and right. So our next step is getting someone to hold her hand up to her head and stiffed her, and this clever lil creature of mine knows that she cant shake her head anymore so she used her 2nd weapon: used her tongue to push out the syringe..haaishh..and her last attempt of surviving herself from the awful-taste syrup is by spitting and bubling out every drop of the potion inside her mouth.

That was what happened this morning when she really need to used all of her defense strategy: shut mouth tightly, shake head heartily, push out tongue and spit whatever liquid inside her mouth. But being a person yg dah mkn garam dulu compared to Irina (ohh she has not taken a bit of it yet), I can predict her mind and know what action she’s going to take..and this morning as I tried not to tolerate with her self-defense, I accidentally hurt her front gum and it was bleeding..ahh..i was struck by panic, but once she gave me her broad smile, legaaa rasaa..tak sakit sgt la tu kot..sorry sayang..mommy janji bg mkn ubat slow2 je pasni..menggeliat la camne pun mommy sabar je la yek.

I would like to share some photos of her that just woken up from sleep at about 12am. She thought it was morning and she’s so happy to start her new day and go play2..letih layan..this pic was taken masa tahap ke ‘ah punk’ an dia sedang memuncak..cuba tgk..

and this is a side view of her yg sedang meggayakan fashion terbaru rambut abad ini..dia boleh jadik model dashing bila dah besar nanti.

This morning hubby did his routine call to me and he conveyed a shock news..Datin Seri Endon Mahmood, a wife of our prime minister passed away this morning after a lengthy battle with breast cancer..a disease that killed many women all over the world..a silent killer..semoga roh allahyarham dicucuri rahmat..amin..al-fatihah.

Friday, October 14, 2005


mmg byk kenangan bila tiba bln puasa..dr kecik, sampai menginjak remaja, dewasa dan skarang dah jadik mak orang, mmg ada je pengalaman2 puasa yg tak dpt nak dilupakan..mcm2 ragam, mcm2 kejadian..tp yg pastinya pengalaman tu la yg membuatkan idup ni meriah je gitu..
masa kecik2 dulu (darjah 1-4), selalu sambut bulan puasa dgn rasa tak happy..ye la tak boleh mkn, minum, nak berlari bersuka ria main teng2 or getah kat sekolah pun dah terbantut, ye la letih ke amat. Masa tu rasa bila puasa then masuk je pukul 3-6 ptg rasa cam nak mati dah..dia punya haus ng lapar cam tak terthn2..baring je la melepek atas simen umah..aku ajar adik aku baring sambil angkat baju skit, so bdn rasa sejuk je kena simen umah, konon2nya boleh kurangkan rasa haus la..haha
Seingat aku seumur idup aku tak penah dpt puasa penuh kecuali thn lps je, itupun sbb jadik mak buyong so ‘bestfren’ yg rajin visit tiap2 bulan tu tak dtg..dptla aku puasa penuh..alhamdulillah..tp yg dolu2 masa kecik2 tu paling koman pun puasa 2 minggu je even dah darjah 5, then darjah 6 konon azam nak puasa penuh tp dah ter’akil baligh’ lak masa tu..so tak dpt la nak puasa penuh thn2 berikutnya..pikir2 teruknya aku ni, my brother umur 5thn dah puasa pastu rengek2 lapar mak aku letak dia dlm buaian sampai buka..aku??hihi..kronik!agaknya sbb aku dulu kurus kering kot, so asikla tak cukup energy, tp bab2 melompat mengelinjang ok plak tu..
Then masuk boarding school, 1st day puasa hati aku sayu ke amat..asikla homesick org ni kat sekolah, ingat family, ingat lauk pauk yg best2..ye la kat sekolah nasik kawah ng ikan jaket..hmm..abis2 gempak nasik minyak..tp bila bersama kwn2 yg senasib (antaranya ialah noha,mazia n julia if korang baca entry ni), aku belajar bersyukur dan lama2 jadik seronok lak berpuasa kat sekolah..tiap2 mlm buat terawih, bila dah penat bongkang beramai2 kat saf blakang ng telekung2 skali..sahur kul 4, alahai..liat nak bgn, kdg2 kirim kwn je suruh tapau then naik mkn kat blk..
Then buat A-Level kat YPM, aku excited sbb shopping sakan utk raya, mentang2 la 1st time dpt duit loan, kerajaan bg duit suruh beli buku, aku gi beli baju raya utk adik, bunga2 hiasan utk mak aku la then beli shirt raya utk abah hihi-best sbb 1st time spent duit sendiri bukan duit parents..
Bila kat u, takde dah nasik2 kawah ni since aku menyewa umah, ptg2 gi pasar ramadhan beli kuih muih nasik la lauk pauk la..pastu blk dr membeli berebut lak kerusi kat meja mkn, sapa tak dpt cop awal2 dok la bersila kat bwh..then buat terawih kat masjid shah alam..dpt la buat a few nites, then start ponteng dah.
Last year la puasa yg plg tak dpt dilupakan..aku pregnant 5 bln tp alhamdulillah dpt puasa full..and this year bertambah meriah la lg puasa aku ng kewujudan Iman Irina..plg meriah masa nak buka la, aku ng hubby sibuk nak buka, dia pun sibuk ng walker dia ke hulu ke hilir masuk dapur bilik tido gapai itu ini..org nak mkn dia pun sibuk nak mkn biskut..

Well..time flies very fast..there’s a time when u feel it’s tough to do things but when u managed to go through it then u look back, it never seems quite so hard..i experienced it several times..

Thursday, October 13, 2005


I’m now in a state of denial.
To deny the idea of Mr ‘i’m-always-smart’ who has forced me to study the drawing and came out with the solution by TODAY.

To deny the idea of me going to the consultant office tomorrow all alone by myself and act smart by giving proposal of the project that’s about to flush into a toilet bowl.

To deny the idea of me cooking this evening for buka puasa as I’m so darn lazy to descale the fish, cut the veggies and tumis2 the bawang…huhuhu..as if hubby will agree.. I didn’t cook for the past 2 days since I declare cuti umum for myself. Never mind laling, for u I will, I nak kumpul pahala lebih bulan2 pose ni..

What else to deny? Haishh… I’m not that stubborn or one kind of an air-headed person that love to deny, reject or complaint anything that comes into my life, it’s only today..like just now, to show how co-operate and helpful I am as usual, I’m about to say yes to mr ‘i’m-always-smart’ when suddenly I catch myself and walked-away..hihi..yupp..being denial and now I’m in denial about me being in denial hahaha..

My life so retard today.

What to cook ya?mmm..there’s squid, ikan selar, minced meat..hentam je la
ok shall do my work now or else I’ll be kuntau-ing in the kitchen till 9.


Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Sakit..Pose...Sakit hati

I haven’t update my blog for quite sometimes. This is due to my body system breakdown that I experienced last week..a total collapsed of one strong, cheerful and all-rounder woman..whoaa..i was given 2 days mc by doctor on Thursday and Friday due to my unfit condition of performing any duties. I had a fever on Wednesday, and it was getting worse during nite. I was alone that nite since hubby went for outstation..i just melepek on the bed after maghrib and slept with Irina till 1am when hubby’s return awoke me-I neither said hi to him nor gave him my warmth hug as my body was aching and shivering.I just continued my sleep then..
The next day after sending Irina to the nursery, I went to clinic and doc examined me and the horrid thing about all this when she said…’i suspect u ni kena denggi ni..’errkkk..tidaaakkk..she asked me to monitor my condition and if the fever is yo-yo ing or I experienced any vomiting then she asked me to go straight to the hospital..
Here I am typing my blog and knock on the keyboard vigorously dan penuh gaya bersemangat and bukannya terlantar kat spital sbb denggi..yupp..i never need to be warded because I’m free from dengue outbreak yeay!! alhamdulillah..even I puke one time, but still it’s not a dengue symptom..and the recovering process was all smooth, I took a good rest at my in-laws house in Cheras on Friday since they worried of me being sick and all alone at home. Gradually I regain my health and energy back and on Saturday I’m a normal, healthy and energetic wife/mommy pergi tesco shopping, kemas rumah and cook for break-fast. On Sunday I managed to start my fasting alhamdulillah.. (before this ponteng not because of my illness, but mmg tak boleh pose hihi), even my throat still felt sore and swell, I have no difficulty fasting the whole day..syukur, takyah ponteng pose lama2 letih nak ganti ooii..
On Monday I started working and felt really overwhelmed to do some blogging activity when suddenly the whole office suffered from server breakdown..kind of laa..the internet was on and off several times and it’s hard to log-in, but now it fixed already..
So I would like to take this opportunity to wish all muslims selamat berpuasa..semoga di bulan yg berkat ini kita beroleh rahmat dan kebahagiaan..insyaAllah..

Hmmpff..my mouth has been kept shut throughout the day because I have a loads of mean things to say but since I’m fasting, I should jaga my mulut and keep my patience (tu la, asked me to call all Chinese contractors..mmg menyirap darah sungguh la..astagfirullah.) so not to invite temptations, I shut my mouth.

Simple as that.

Monday, October 03, 2005


Okay, let’s see what I’ve been thru for the past 3 days:

On Friday nite, when I was driving to A&W USJ with my little babe together with my ex-roommate and her little daughter, my car had been hit by a young Chinese driver. He looked so sorry and apologized many times but ..sorry is another thing tokeh, bayar still kena bayar jugak..hihi..So we agreed not to make a police report and settle it ourselves since the Chinese guy is a P driver. Report then he finish laa..P somemore..got fine then suspend the license maaa…so after that incident, I dropped by at sports planet to meet hubby and showed him his car yg dah cacat skit..and his reaction was “ dah kena nak buat camna..esok2la kita settle abg nak main bola ni..” whoaaa..so relax, so calm..so much into futsal..keta accident pun tak pedulik dah hahaha..ilang debar ku..so I drove straight to A&W and spent my time lepakking and makan2 with my dearest friends..

On Saturday morning, after I finished my house chores routine we had our lunch at my fav kedai..(as usual that kas2 lunch la, hubby just followed and looked so relieved since it was our last kas2 lunch before puasa..lega ya)-then we went to cheras to sent irina there so that we can get the car settled without need to tag her along ..sian dia nnti panas2 dok kt bengkel..then we received a news that hubby’s makcik passed away kat kg..innalillah..Ma was busy scheduled her time to go back kg that nite, and around 4 something me and hubby went to workshop and met the chinese fella with his father there. So after some negotiation, we left our car there and hubby really felt like sipping a sharp fin soup kat VS, so we decided to went there when suddenly we changed our mind to dine-in at seafood restaurant at extreme park sunway but unfortunately the whole place is under renovation! Haha kosong je tanah korek sana sini, nothing there even the bumbung restoran tak nampak byg! At last we ended-up having our dinner at ampang and rushed to send Ma to Hentian Duta…on our way to cheras, there was massive jam all the way along Kesas up to MRR2 and I believed it was tailing more than 10km..gosh..this is all due to piala Malaysia..we send ma to the bus station then went back home..argghh..tired..

On Sunday, nothing abnormal happened..just the same plain routine of one good housewife (haha) and ibu mithali taking care of her daughter and hubby’s needs.
Oh..i felt so proud, grateful, appreciated, speechless..hubby washed and ironed his shirts by his own! He pity his wife of all the house works that she needs to do..i never thought that he is capable of doing kerja2 rumah, pegang penyapu pun tak pernah..oh I’m so happy! Fly me to the sky..thanks dear muahhss!