Bubbles of Life

Life is what life is

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Today will be the last day i blog from my office in shah alam, bcoz tmrw we will be very busy moving our things to PJ and effective on Monday next week, we’ll be based in PJ officially. Penatnya mengemas..dah la puasa..i’ve finished with my personal things, my project files and after this I’m going to mengerjakan pantry bcoz I’m the person in charge of it. Mana gaya laa aku nak membungkus segala fridge ,microwave, water dispenser tu sumer..haishh..but it is much better compared to menguruskan spare part room and engineering data manual, boleh membunuh diri itu..so I feel extra exhausted today, extra dehydrate sbb berpuasa and at the same time carry all those heavy loads.. haus ni, mungkin perlu memasukkan muka ke dlm fridge barang sebentar..what makes me so bersemangat to work till the end of the day is bcoz I’ll go for buka puasa with my boss and client this eve at bluewave hotel shah alam yahuuu!siapla kang aku kerja kan stall ice kacang..

adakah dilanggar garuda?

On the other note, last weekend I went to One Utama to do some shopping, ok la ok la mengaku..it’s actually a raya shopping hihi,I know it’s a bit too early to talk bout raya thing, but I just do not want to put it off since our next major concern is packing our harta benda to move to our new residence, taknak serabut2 that’s y better do it now..so basically it’s more on irina’s material, Jusco and parkson dah start buat sale raya,so better for me to grab it early.

Oh ya, for the 1st time I pinched irina secara senyap di shopping complex iaitu semasa sdg mendukung dia, and as a result, suara irina telah bergema satu OU dgn kuatnya, dont wory it's not a hard pinch, tak sakit pun but i thnk dai menangis sbb marah n terkejut 1st time kena cubit ng mommy-she was so degil dan berperangai besar kepala dimana nak beli selipar pun dah mcm nak beli emas permata, punya lah susah..sekejap nak gambar pooh, sekejap nak mickey, then nakkan selipar even saiz besar. She started to shout and cry and throw the selipar away, malu ni k org ramai tgk,oh she bit me on the shoulder too,apa kena la irina ni, nak kata mengaruk sbb lapar tak jugak, bukan puasa pun :) -sudahnya sebelum irina sempat nak berguling2 atas lantai hah selamat la kenakan ng mommy..nasib tak lebam..after all the hassle and drama, hubby decided to bring her to kidzsport over there, main puas2 so mommy boleh shopping sorang2..we still plan to go there again this weekend sbb ada brg yg tak dpt lg, and this time around we already learn our lesson..so irina I’m sory baby, mommy kena tinggalkan irina sekejap ng grandma and auntie k,mommy ng abah nak bershopping dgn aman hehe..

K la, I need to continue with my tugasan pembungkusan.. nak balut2 cawan, balut2 piring masuk dlm kotak, mcm main pondok2 plak..tak sabarnya rasa nak meredah jem di hari isnin yg mulia..wish me luck ya!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Selamat Berpuasa ya all

Tomorrow is the 1st day of Ramadhan, which fasting is practiced among muslim to perform the 4th pillar of Islam..Alhamdulillah..God grant me the good health and soul to celebrate this holy month, pjg umur sihat sejahtera utk mengerjakan ibadah puasa dan ibadah2 lainnya..syukran syukran..

so..the puasa itself doesn’t concern me much even I’m constantly hungry lately..bila beribadah ni lain, perut buaya akan melenyap dgn sendirinya. It just that a few adjustment need to be done in term of time management. A few random thoughts that I have menjelang kunjungan ramadhan yg mulia:

- Pukul berapa nak bgn prepare sahur
- Nak sambung tidur blk ke tak
- Nak masak apa utk sahur
- Kesesakan yg perlu ditempuh di federal highway semasa bergegas blk utk berbuka
- Sempat ke nak masak utk buka?
- Mampukah bertarawih?
(frankly speaking I did none last year which is so teruk of me laa, ni kalau mak aku tau abis la, kakakku marniza jgn bgtau mak eh abis gue kena leter hehhe)
- Nak berjimaaaat, cukup la bertamak haloba membeli berbelas2 ringgit lauk end up berkulat dlm fridge
- Akankah sembelit?hihi

You see, I’ll be moving to new office next week which is located in a verrry strategic place, dlm byk2 tmpt kt dunia ni bandar pj kota kesesakan tu jugak yg di pilih, sgt bijak bukan?so the traffic to pj adalah sgt spt haram even ikut mana2 access pun akan tetap jem jugak esp during peak hours,name it federal highway, old klang road, pj old town,mana2 la..so now u know why i'm worry so much esp during fasting month-i’ll be finish working around 5, awal sejam drpd hari2 biasa, tp adalah tidak membawa makna sekiranya kena menempuh jem di federal hiway, pukul brapa nak sampai laa..once i experienced bumper to bumper traffic from pj to my house and it took almost 1.5hr to reach my house!urghh!akan kah berbuka dgn menelan roti dirembang maghrib sambil memegang stereng?itu adalah sgt menyedihkan ok.

So I already plan this with hubby, if I reach late, he will need to pick up irina at nursery and buy some kuih muih 1st. I just wish I could reach home early and have ample time to cook for our juadah berbuka, which I prefer to cook rather than buy;I mean based on my past experience we usually spend rm15-rm20 membeli lauk pauk utk berbuka dan bersahur, and I think ia adalah berkos tinggi,lg byk belanja dr hari2 biasa, and if that rm20 beli ikan and ayam I can get my juadah buka for 3days haha..sounds so calculative heh?yess we try to berjimat utk mengelakkan pembaziran and since I love cooking, why not la kan-but kuih muih fav spt talam berlauk, kuih pelita, murtabak, roti jala dan air tebu adalah kemestian semasa berbuka, so yg ni mmg kena beli..so the main issue here is masa..masa.Sempat ke nak sampai rumah dan masak?kalau office kt shah alam ni aku confident la..haaishh..

then u know, kalau susah sgt aku smpi dah terpikir nak msk mlm2, I mean b4 tidur I masak satu dua lauk, then the next day nak buka just heat it up, then hubby ckp ‘mak ai takkan kronik smpi mcmtu kot?takyah la kalau tak smpt kita beli je’ which make me react, ‘eh kita nak tlg berjimat cermat ni, dahtu kang how r u going to give me allowance for raya shopping?’ sambil mata berkelip2..haha..

On the other note, I went to my mum’s in law place yesterday nite and ma showed me her baju raya, her new kasut raya and handbag yg vogue dan cantik and I was like..wow!mak mertua aku lg advance dan sakan dr aku isk tak boleh jadik ni,and looking at my sis in law miera terus teringat kt baju raya dia yg dah siap 9 pasang!hoh! giler adik ipar aku baju raya stok sampai deepavali punya!heheh terer tak terer my in laws? terus gue rasa tertekan sbb tak beli apa2 lg utk preparation raya, baju kurung, baju melayu hubby, baju irina, even for my mak and mak mertua pun aku tak beli kain raya lg uhu..oh maybe some of u will feel ‘terjengkel’ and berckp tak puasa lg dah cerita raya, but I think tak boleh elak perihal raya dr menjadi topic bila dah masuk bln puasa ni,at least org mesti tanya ‘baju raya dah siap blom?’ and me being a procrastinator akan kelihatanlah di pkns shah alam or alam sentral seminggu menjelang raya meredah kedai2. Ok la enough bout raya, over aku ni, terawih tak tentu ujung pangkal sibuk cite psl raya

Bottom part of all this is, I really hope to have a smooth ramadhan month, semoga segala2nya berjln dgn lancar, semoga kami sekeluarga diberkati, semoga segala dugaan dpt diharungi, semoga dpt menjalani ibadah puasa dgn sempurna..and I feel so bersemangat to start my ibadah puasa esok di mana aku dah plan lauk apa nak masak pagi esok utk sahur;kobis tumis air, ikan kering and telur dadar hihi, ok la tu kan,pagi2 subuh bkn tertelan pun..buat syarat..

dan sebagaimana bersemangat nya jiwa dan raga aku nak berpuasa , begitu jugak la bersemangatnya perut aku makan breakfast kt Maktok Café pagi tadi, breakfast terakhir bersama hubby di shah alam sbb lps ni dah pindah pj dan tak boleh breakfast ng my darling lg huhu..so dgn rasa sedih dan sayunya aku memakan sepinggan penuh nasik lemak with telur mata bersama teh tarik dan memaksa hubby mkn kuew tiow goreng sbb aku nak ‘pau’ sikit, sedih k sbb lps ni tak merasa dah mkn kt maktok cafe yg sedap itu..and as usual menaip blog dgn perut sengkak dan berperasaan menyesal :)

So to all my friend out there, selamat menyambut bulan ramadhan dan selamat menjalani ibadah puasa,semoga bulan ini menjanjikan keberkatan utk kita semua..aminn..

Monday, September 10, 2007

A Trip to a zoo

We already feel sick of spending our weekend time at shopping complex;it’s always midvalley, bkt bintang, OU or sunway pyramid. Dah abis kronik kalau mls nak pegi jauh2 we will go to IOI Mall nearby our hse, nak jugak menghirup udara shopping mall, apa punya penyakit anak beranak tatau la..makan2, jalan2,masuk kluar guardian ke Watson ke, end up even takde plan nak membeli apa2 akan terspend jugak 20-30inggit for unnecessary item..tak bagus..tak bagus..
so we already decide to stop wasting our time and money at shopping mall and do something else, something beneficial of course..so duduk mengeras kt rumah adalah unacceptable sbb kesian kt irina yg sepjg minggu dah terperuk kt nursery-so yesterday we made a good decision to bring irina to..


Felt very excited mengalahkan budak2, I woke up as early as 8am; took a bath, prepared irina’s stuff, get myself prepared, bathed irina then hubby bersiap2. We stopped at mamak in bndr tasik selatan for breakfast, ordered roti telur for both hubby n me dan kemudiannya terpaksa mengorder roti kosong sbb err perut tak kenyang. The roti telur was a bit small plus I need to share it with irina so mana cukup la kan (cover lahap sendiri :p) Selepas rasa berslh membaham 3suku roti telur dan sekeping roti kosong I was thinking takpe kt zoo nnti jalan2 terbakarlah lemak2 itu semua (menyedapkan diri sendiri yg telah berperut sengkak)

This entry is a bit meleret I know,so back to the story, we reached zoo around 11.30am and the crowd was not bad,ramai jugak even it’s not during school break..mayb ramai yg berpenyakit sama spt kami yg sudah bosan berada di shopping complex pd hujung minggu lantas membuat keputusan utk meng’educate’kan anak dgn melihat haiwan2 di zoo negara..well the 1st animal we saw was giraffe! and irina shouted ‘jighaff mommy jighaff!’ with her eyes beaming and mulut melopong tgk zirafah secara live,tu la selama ni tgk kt buku or tv je-k la let the pics do the words!

Mr Dumbo in the house! 'elephant..elephant..the ground it shakes!every time she walks!'one of the lyrics in barney series (mak dah naik hafal dah), so when irina saw this mr dumbo, she sang the song dgn excitednya

giraffe..(aku pulak posing lebih2)

we managed to feed the deers, irina kekaguman,mesti dia ingat kambing species mana pulak ni

apa ke binatang ntah ni,tak smpt nak tgk discription..

some of the animals that amazed irina esp the honey bear and parrot!

ni paling best!hah, tu kang ada lah suara sumbang ckp 'suka la tu dpt jumpa sedara' heheh,nohaaa!!i know u r one of them!ciesss!!

well,this one really get my attention,bkn apa,tajuk sikit punya gempak 'savannah wild', konon kehidupan di padang rumput savannah laa,tapiii pdg rumput dia tak savannah langsung, dah mcm padang rumput sekolah

hoih!giler rasta!tgk bulu dah mcm rambut bob marley hoho-irina takut tgk org utan,mesti dia pelik species apa pulak haiwan berambut rasta ni, but mommy suka,comel la plak si rasta duduk kt atas sambil memerhati manusia2 yg sibuk snap gmbr dia,glamer k,kalah artis

rasta ke dumbo ke, menguyah adalah suatu kemestian..irina binged on cookies

it's time to go back!after 2 and a half hrs spend our time tawaf satu zoo, after irina dah puas melopong mulut sana sini tanya itu ini,kaki pun dah melecet, badan dah penat, perut pun dah giler lapaaaa(selamat dah kot kalori 2 keping roti canai aku mkn terbakar dlm perut haha,aku rasa laa)so we made our way back home..
ingat lps pegi zoo nak pegi sogo jap tp bdn penat tak ingat,so blk je la terus..singgah giant kinrara for lunch; sizzling yee mee for me, encik hubby mkn teppanyaki,irina mkn nasi ayam,habis semua licin!

we reached home around 3.30pm, mandikan irina, bagi susu, switched on finding nemo,tak smpi 5 min gone..zzz..then after asar, mommy and abah pun selamat jugak tidur tak sedar diri sampai maghrib..
Penat, tapi seronok..
so hubby, what's next?
i know ur answer, spca kan?takpun petswonderland..huhu

Tuesday, September 04, 2007


I have a few photos taken last week,and it’s all bout food. I planned to blog bout my cook, my good lunch bla bla sometimes last week but rather somehow the food story now leads to another story, which makes the topic of what I’m going to blog today.

Gastric. yupp that's the thing.

I think I suffer from gastritis, some stomach irritant, perut pedih dan berasid. Yer, manusia berperut buaya dan bertekak puaka sentiasa melahap ini tiba2 diserang gastric. Seperti tidak percaya bukan. But that’s the fact. In fact I was on MC last week due to acute gastritis attack and I had another perut berasid case last nite which made me bergulung atas katil kesakitan, dan berbau minyak angin. I think it’s all started with the food that I took last week, or shall I say the food triggered my stomach upset.

I cooked ketam masak sambal kari some time last week for our dinner. Kedengarannya spt suatu resipi yg canggih but actually I just hentam the resipi. Tumis bawang, tumis cili boh, bila dah garing masukkan rempah kari sikit, a pinch of stok ikan bilis maggie, daun kari, garam secukup rasa then masukkan ketam, siap,haha sesedap rasa aku menghentam-the taste turned to be hmmm not bad (kan hubby kan?kan?) but it was tooo spicy!!pedas dan terasa sgt tebal tahap kekarian dia,serious perut aku rasa mcm terbakar. Makan di kala kebulur dan tahap asid perutyg tinggi hanya memburukkan keadaan. So dari sini enough to make my stomach felt very upset, then later that nite tido dlm keadaan perut terbakar..

ketam pembakar usus..indah di mata tp tidak di perut (accept the telur dadar dan sup kentang)

Then the next day since i was already late,I skipped my breakfast, dan kelaparan adalah sgt memuncak menjelang lunch. so dgn perasaan ingin melahap sepuas hati sambil menyamar sebagai italian, I went to kiwi xpress and ordered pasta with turkey slice served with white sauce together with ice-lemon tea. The pasta adalah sedaaap sgt tapiiii..kalau dah ada darah jawa tu menyamarla italian ke russian ke tetap tidak membawa erti..baru mkn suku pasta tekak dah rasa muak, perut bunyi grukkgrukkkrukk pun tak mampu nak buat aku telan abis pasta,tekak nak nasik lauk lemak nangka ngan sambal belacan dan ikan kering sepat, potong betul..then minum pulak ice lemon tea yg sgt la masaaaaammmm, serious la aku rasa mcm minum cuka. so i could say that perut berasid baru suku terisi dan kemudian ditambah dgn ice lemon tea yg terlalu masam, hah..bermulalah episod menyimpul badan atas katil..sakit giler perut set nak berdiri tegak pun tak boleh, terus mc the next day..

hidangan yg hebat tp dasar tekak melayu tetap berkehendak nasik,but whoever loves to try this,u can go to kiwi xpress, highly reccomended!accept for the ice lemon tea
so now i need to be more careful of what to consume, what to eat, kalau rasa perut berasid lain mcm jer i will try to avoid taking benda2 masam or minum benda2 berangin mcm teh,even mkn gula2 halls yg berangin tu pun boleh buat perut aku sakit.ni yg leceh bila dah kena gastric-and one thng very obvious skang i always feel hungry, constantly hungry...aku tau dr dulu pun mmg mcm ni, mmg dasar buruk lantak but this time around is more worst!baru sejam mkn nasik dah lapar perut bunyi krukkruk, mcmana tu?
ke sebenarnya perut aku ada cacing?erkk..

Monday, September 03, 2007

Merdeka cum Birthday Celebration

HAPPY 50TH INDEPENDENCE DAY MALAYSIA!!(tetiba je mempatriotikkan diri)



Yupp, my abah's birthday was on 31st Aug last friday, so Omar's clan all gathered together to celebrate the birthday since it was a 3 days break-i could say it's a double celebration for me, ohh wait, actually i didn't celebrate or did anything on the merdeka eve, no parade, no fireworks, no dataran.. nothing, so how come la i said double celebration pulak? I remember woke up early in the morning last friday and switched on the tv to see the highlight of the merdeka event at dataran merdeka while packing a luggage to go back to muar that day,that's all..lagi aku nk ckp double celebration kalau setakat melangut dpn tv tgk parade hihi, ohh not bad jugakla bila mengenangkan irina yg sibuk pegang and kibar bendera pagi tu sambil shout 'mennekaa!! mennekaa!!' kira merdeka celebration la ni..

ok la stop bout this merdeka thing, i just want to post bout abah's 65th b'day celebration..tak grand pun in fact it was an adhoc plan,but it was meaningful and happening bcoz all 5 of us came back to kampung to spend the break with mak and abah, and all the 5 cucus were also there!

big bro marwan, irina and qistina were pushing the cart with the cake on top of it

ok, nyuruk di balik pintu utk mensurprisekan tokbak and pushed it out bila tokbak dtg dapur

Surprise!!!Tokbak meniup lilin with tokmak n the 4 cucus; from right marwan, qistina, aliff and iman irina-his another cucu also know as pau kukus was sleeping during the celebration

the food!nyumm nyumm-bravo to along who baked the pizza and adik who prepared the spaghetti bolognese(walaupun hakikatnya penyelamat rasa bolognese hari tu adalah 2 botol preego sauce with a pinch of oregano dan kamu hanyalah memotong dan menumis bawang shj, ur effort was highly appreciated and akak ttp bg credit :p) oh there's also a plate of chicken pop corn and also fruit cocktail..
we had fun that day!abah semoga pjng umur, murah rezeki dan kehidupan diberkati,we love u muchhh!!

oh ya, i have another pic, remember bout 'pau kukus' that i mentioned earlier?

mohd haris zafran aka pau kukus with his cuz irina, pau daging pun boleh, gerammmm!!ni kalau tinggal tepi jln sure org tak sangka anak marzuki or cucu pak omar, dah mcm anak lim ah boon heheheh