Lots of things happened lately. Good news, bad news, personal matters, working life. All come in a shot and really need to be juggled up wisely and steadily.
Where to start? Ok with the good news first. The good news is Irina is now in Muar, recuperating from all the sicknesses and under a very good care of her tokmak and tokbak. Good for her to stay in kampong for a while and been away from the nasty-polluted environment of KL city. She’s now almost 100% back to her normal healthy stage; gear up every single min from morning to night, thus boost up tokmak n tokbak’s day too. My mak and abah need a lot of exercise, and I give them ‘something’ to work out on.
On top of that, half of myself feel very empty, unfilled somewhere.. my day seems incomplete...yupp..i’m soo missing my little irina..very very much. No toys scatter on the floor, no food splat on the sofa, nobody to cry and scream and nag over snacks I hide on the fridge, no sleepless night, no poo poo smell and the very obvious thing is nobody to call me mommy and hubby,abah..huhu..our house has been very quiet and morning working days? I have enough time to ironed my dress properly, do my hair and make up nicely, nibble on my nails think of what dress/shoes to wear and even tidy-up the house before I leave ...I’m used to look like Lynette before and not like a school teacher, but I am now. Nobody to wave at me when I’m making my journey to office and I feel so lonely while driving. . I’m really not used of the situation and having a cultural shock here.
Well, on the other hand, it’s a bit relief and relax for both me n hubby as we’ve been missing this moment for a couple of years, or should I quote since we have irina. So a few things on plan for the next 2 weeks to maximum utilize the golden moment of only two of us is something really good to get heh?a visit to dentist, facial treatment, hair trim, shopping, mamak at 12midnite, lepak Naili’s, P.Hollywood live band, karaoke whoaaa mommy has gone too much la deyy!heheh nope..nope ,the top priority is to see dentist to for scaling purpose and facial treatment and also hair trim, the rest depends on mood (esp hubby’s mood!), time availability and financial situation.
It’s not to say that I couldn’t do all this if irina is around, it is just the matter of practicality. Imagine the dentist fix my teeth with all the scary tools and machine and irina together in the room nag her mommy around? Or irina with me in the saloon playing with hair blower while I’m having a haircut?so I must grab this chance to do whatever necessary things conveniently without the babe around. I also noticed that I conserve a lot of time before making a trip out, and less headache too. No nursery bag stuffed with bottles, milk, drink container, baby biscuit, diapers, handkerchief, pacifier, Elmo bla bla hanging on me and forget about changing the diaper with the babe struggling very hard not to be wrapped. I just dressed up, grab my handbag and go out. Simple. Senang. Hanya berlenggang kangkong shj. Oh oh and the house has been at its utmost well-kept. Lantai tak melekit, furniture is in proper condition and everything looks like making sense.
That’s what I’ve been experienced for the past 3 days. But I still miss irina very2 much. Both me and hubby really feel the absence of her everywhere..everytime. I called mak everyday to get update on her. She sounds happy and playful. She learned how to do bird’s sound, imitate dog’s bark and also cat’s meow. She’s manja too and always get to follow tokbak and tokmak anywhere they go. Pagi ni ikut tokmak pergi kedai kain. Kemain sakan lagi dia kan?