Bubbles of Life

Life is what life is

Friday, December 30, 2005

Aku dan haiwan2..

Tadi masa nak bukak pintu keta kwn nak gi lunch, tetiba..arghhh..TIDAAAAAKK..aku ternampak bangkai anak kucing betul2 kat tepi keta member..darah dah berderau, jantung mcm terhenti jap and secepat kilat aku tutup muka and mata cpt2 masuk ke keta..this is me, kalau lah ada anugerah ‘Si Penyayang dan Simpati kepada Binatang’, maybe aku boleh jadik pemenang ,tak pemenang pun jadik top 3 finalist. Tak tau la kenapa, perasaan cintakan binatang esp kucing mcm dah over lak dlm diri aku ni. Mcm kucing td, even skang ni pun aku terbyg2 bangkai dia ng mata separuh terbukak, terkeras kat atas pasir..masyaAllah..kena langgar keta masa parking agaknya, takpe la may u rest in peace…Dulu pun terkena dah sekali, masa tu dlm keta and aku tgh berangan2 tgk kat luar tetiba nampak moving object atas jln raya..akak aku slow down and terus aku nampak kucing pas kena langgar, tgh meggelupur2..ishh..tak sanggup nak cerita lebih2..taknak ingat..terus suruh akak speed up sbb tak sangup tgk dah, nak tlg pun tau takde harapan n aku tak berani kalu part2 berdarah ni. Malam tu apa lagi, aku payah nak tido sbb terbyg2 kucing tu...sedih sgt! Even skarang, kalu aku drive and dr jauh nampak object semacam je kat tgh jln, aku mesti taknak tgk..try utk mengelak sbb aku tak sanggup nak tgk bangkai kucing atas jln apatah lagi nak terlanggar dia..so kdg2 kalau dr jauh dah nampak tu aku akan tukar lane and paling ke arah lain, seimbas bygan pun aku tak sanggup tgk!kdg2 sbb nak ngelakkan ternampak bangkai kucing aku kena horn ng driver lain..takpela..

Maybe idup aku sejak dr kecik dah mmg bergelumang ng kucing, so sbb tu la perasaan syg kat kucing tu melebih2..even masa aku bujang dulu pun aku ada bela kucing..Snowy nama dia..naughty and aktif sgt! Tp bila kawin aku bg Snowy kat kwn..takleh nak bela sbb aku dok apartment, leceh!sedih bila ingat2 kat snowy..but I know he’s now under a good care from his owner...mkn pun atas meja dah, sekali ng tuan dia!dimanjakan tahap melampau dah ni!Kat umah Muar lak ada 2 ekor, Yasser and Bozo..diaorg dah 3 thn idup as part of our family..kdg2 call mak kat kg mesti tanya khabar kucing2..aku ng adik bongsu aku la pecinta kucing terkronik kat umah kitaorg..dulu masa kecik2, kalu jalan blk dr sekolah and jumpa anak kucing tepi jln tgh mengiau2 mesti kitaorg kutip bwk blk..so sbb tu la Kutip ngan Syawal hadir dlm hidup kitaorg..(Syawal sbb kitaorg kutip dia mlm raya)..Macam Blackie, Yasser, Bozo, Sheeru, Morthy, Olaf, Owen and Arnold, diaorg dtg sendiri kat umah kitaorg or mmg keluarga dia beranak pinak kat situ.

Masa zaman bercinta ng hubby dulu, kdg2 kitaorg berdating kat SPCA (pusat kebajikan haiwan) kat Ampang,hubby pun cat lover gak so kitaorg saje je gi sana tgk kucing2 buangan kat situ and main2 ngan diaorg..ada gak kucing2 yg ditumpangkan tuan dia sbb gi oversea or vacation,tp kesian kat street cat yg dijaga kat situ, mkn minum mmg cukup tp diaorg kurang belaian ng kasih syg, so aku ng hubby yg dah berlebih2 kasih syg ni(cewah!) curahkan la a bit love and attention kitaorg kat kucing2 tu..

So about my obsession with animals..hati aku mmg sensitive skit..tak kira la apa2 binatang pun..so that’s why discovery channel or animal planet will never be my fav. Channel, berabuk la kat astro tu aku tak penah nak tgk sbb tak sampai ati nak tgk rimau baham rusa la, singa siat kulit zebra, ular telan rabbit..adoii..tak tertengok!aku sedar aku dah kronik, maybe kena jumpa psychiatrist..


Panicked! I was stricken with panic last Sunday nite..we were in my hometown to spend the Christmas holiday-so that nite around 11, as usual Irina was still on top gear, climbing and playing without showing any sign of falling asleep..there were hubby and my sis in front of tv looking after her, while I was in the washroom cleaning myself..suddenly I heard a very loud cry, my little babe!..this time, it was so loud and she cried her heart out-Oh, this must be very serious, because usually when she fall or knocked o something, she cried and stop when we carried her up, but this time, dukung and pujuk dia pun tak jalan..nangis..berhenti kejap and nangis balik..i came out from the bathroom and carried her, pujuk2, kiss and usap kepala dia..she still sobbed and weep a bit-I asked them of what had happened-Irina tried to climb into the bouncer when she lost balance and with panic, my adik quickly grabbed her hand-she didn’t fall but she cried over the great force of the grabbing action..i brought her to sleep and changed her diaper and baju and she cried again when I raised her little right arm..oh nooo..was her arm twisted?or joint dislocated?or..patah??gosh!! i was so frighten and felt like crying too..we decided to bring her to clinic.

It was around 11.30pm and we went to clinic with my Along accompanied us-Doctor checked on her shoulder and tried to move her hand upside down..she cried out loud..we went through the X-Ray process to check whether she had her bone fractured or the joint dislocated..and the result?the X-ray film just turned out all blue because the X-Ray machine f***ed-up-The ‘not so smart’ doctor just simply said..’rosak ni, dr ptg tadi rosak dah..” eh hallo mr ‘not-so-smart’ doctor, just mentioned it earlier and we can go to other clinic without having to waste my time here and let my baby to be screened by the X-Ray twice!he referred the case to Muar Hospital and we still have to pay RM20 for the consultation without knowing the actual problem-what the ‘toot’!

We rushed to the Emergency Dpt of Hospital Muar, and nobody was around at the emergency counter-only after 15mins of waiting, the person in charged came and attended us, recorded on Irina’s heartbeat rate and asked us to wait till the doctor called-another 10min of waiting..then the doctor called..he checked on Irina’s arm, and again she cried..letak tgn dia senyap and tido-then he asked us to go to the X-Ray Dpt about half km away..upon reaching, there was a note stated: Sila tunggu sebentar, PIC pergi melawat wad or anda boleh kembali semula ke Jabatan Kecemasan: HUH?? so ‘government’ la this government hospital! eh takde org standby ke?what if mmg betul2 kes urgent yg pesakit dah nak mati?? If I have a better option, takde nyer la nak gi spital kerajaan tgh2 mlm buta ni..tunggu about 15min..then X-Ray (masa ni Irina menangis dan meronta2 atas katil X-ray tu..takut gamaknya..sian syg mommy..)

so tunggu lagi another 20min utk dia dia develop imej x-ray and after almost 1 hr kat spital tu, then only we managed to know the result?the result??alhamdulillah..nothing serious, takde patah takde terseliuh Cuma ligament lengan tergeliat skit..dapatlah panadol syrup sebotol hasil dr menuggu sejam lebihnya tu heheh, ubat thn sakit katanya..tp esoknya Irina dah jadik ‘spiderman’ blk, manjat sana sini mcm biase mcm takde apa2 berlaku..bikin suspen ini budak!

Pesanan Penaja:

To Adik:Don’t feel guilty or what, nothing serious and it was not really your fault, akak paham itu adalah hasil ‘tindakan luar kawal’ dr otak seorg mak usu yg nak protect anak sedaranya dr terjatuh, cuma ter’over’ protect la plak..by the way I’ll charge that RM20 and RM1(spital fee) to yr account and pls bare the petrol cost too..about 50cent per km, hah cost gantian lain gak spt tak cukup tido, kesedihan dsb..so total: RM 30.75..cash or cheque accepted.

To Miera: If u r reading this, pls pls pls..(i’m begging u my dearest adik ipar), jgn bgtau abah yer..Ma takpe sbb Ma sporting, abah sporting gak tp paham2 la kan..ni melibatkan cucu kesygan dia ni…nnti kak mar blanja ais krim yer heheh

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Ma, the Savior of my weekend..

Friday (16th Dec 05)

My close friend insisted on having a dinner at Planet Hollywood..she’s a pregger (7 months!) and still have this ‘cruel intention’ of dining in there! Crowded..stuffy..loud..polluted air (smokers)..hmmm..so not a good place for pregnant ladieskan? she planned this a week ago and the rest of my friends agreed (because they are all single-mingle, no commitment attached) except me..i dragged it till Thursday..my dearest Mr R.A is not a main excuse as he never restraint me of going out and spend my time with my friends..it was just my babe..usually when we gathered tak kira la kat mamak or fast food restaurant, I’ll bring my baby along..but planet Hollywood? with a blast live band performance and a noisy big crowd?no way..sungguh tak sesuei..culture shock my baby nnti..so I conveyed the sad news (of my absence) to them, and this close friend of mine ala2 merajuk then said that she just want to cancel the plan sbb tak cukup ‘kaki’ and tak happening la nnti..kesian gang2 yg lain jugak disebabkan aku, plan berkumpul beramai2 tak jadik..then that Thursday evening when me, hubby and Irina were on a way back home from nursery, suddenly I received an sms from my sis-in-law, Miera..”akak boleh tak nnti nak pinjam baby 2-3hari? Rindu laa kat dia..”… Taraa! God answered the pray of that craving pregnant mother yg betul2 dah mengidam nak mkn western food kat Planet- so sepantas kilat I sms-ed all my friends to carry on with the plan sbb Irina dah di ‘book’- so, they were all so happy esp si ibu mengandung yg tgh mengidam-My ma and sis-in law mcm tau2 je kan I ada plan with my friends..what people called it?telepathy gituuu.. So that nite I sent my little Irina to ma’s house for a 2 days of stayover, and the next nite I was happy2 ‘membaham’ kat P.Hollywood with a bunch of friends..ada married couple, ada ibu mengandung and ada bujang trang tang tang..ohh..yess ada jugak mommy yg ala2 lupa diri ini seorg mommy mcm bujangan tgk live band sampai pukul 1! But still..miss my babe tau.. My Mr R.A?Spt biasa mengasah bakat utk menjadik pemain Futsal Profesional- so I have a great nite with my ex-uni mates and the most important thing was I’m glad that ibu mengandung dapat makanan yg di idam2kan..if we cant make it that nite because of me, I’ll never stop blaming myself if her baby’s saliva starts to drool! Anyway thanks to my in-laws (ma, abah and miera) of taking a very good care of Irina, and the telepathy sense tu kan, sampai skarang I still amaze lagi..

Sunday (18th Dec 05)

My eldest sis (along), her hubby, mak itam and her daughter came to my house-they were here in kl since Saturday and stayed at my sis’s place in Kg Baru, then on Sunday they had lunch at my house before made their way to Kajang to visit my makcik there- At first I kind of blur of what to cook and served them for lunch..There’s several meals on my option lists- soto?? or asam pedas?? or kari daging with veggies and ayam goreng??and one more thing.. how adequate the amount of my cook? i always encounter this problem of estimating the right amount to served guests..nasik berapa pot? gulai nak berapa byk?ikan berapa kelar?ayam berapa ketul?hmmm..there were 7 of them, including my mak uteh and her anak2..masuk me and hubby dah jadik 9..aduss penin..penin..then suddenly taraaaa..again…Ma came into the picture of being a rescuer! She offered to cook nasik dagang for my guests and she even asked them to just have lunch at her place but my makcik teringin nak pergi my house so ma ckp takpe la dia masak kat umah dia then I ambik la nnti pagi2 bwk blk umah..adoii..malu la plak..mcm order catering jer..so that Sunday dpt la org Muar mkn nasik dagang, a famous meal kat Terengganu- satu periuk besar nasik and satu periuk gulai beserta acar timun and siap ada sambal belacan lagi..i just goreng ayam ala2 rempah, potong2 lettuce and timun then beli sup tulang kat kedai in case budak2 kecik tak mkn gulai..settle! licin sumer!semua org kekenyangan- Ma thanks for everything..always be there to lend me a hand and treat me like yr own daughter (Miera jgn jealous yer!) ..isk isk sedih la plak ibunda sendiri jauh..tumpang kasih mak mertua je laa-so here, I would like to announce the winner of ‘Rescuer of the Month’ award..jatuh kepada…MA!

*Mak and Ma, love you both..thanks for all the loves, cares and guidance yg diberikan kpd anakmu yg baru menjadik ibu ni..both of you are my inspirations!

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Mommy needs a break..

I kinda mess-up with my own emotions..i have a verry tiring and draining days, and working environment was not really helping- arghhh..this was a phone conversation I had just now:

Out of nowhere, the call regarding aftersales service (absolutely not my jobscope) was transferred to my line.

Ms Jinjang: Hello, may I speak to Mr O?
Poor me : (puzzled) Sorry, he was not around at the moment, would u
like to leave a msg or call him back in a few mins?
Ms Jinjang: Haishh..(a sign of unsatisfaction)..how about Y?
Poor me : (wandered around looking for that particular person)..sorry, she’s also not
Ms Jinjang: HAH??both not around ah?how bout S? (the voice so damn irritating)
Poor me : (tgk kat meja S, kosong) he’s not at his desk, maybe in a washroom..(nak je
aku ckp dia pegi berak lah!)
Ms Jinjang: What kind of co is this?everbody’s not around!!Your office close hah??!
Poor me : I don’t say everybody’s not around, they are in the office but it so happen
they are not at their desks..and we are working today, that’s why I’m here answering your call..
Ms Jinjang: then, who’s around?!
Poor me : me..i’m around..

Crap..so irritating la this C bukit! I was so blur and my head was hung up somewhere else and analyzed back of my respond to her was kind of me being loyar buruk, don’t care la! alo..alo.. I’m not a receptionist or PA to everyone u r looking for so that I know who’s doing what and going where and berak berapa lama or kira bulu roma sapa occay..whateverlah..

I was late again this morning..it has been 3 days in a row since Tuesday ppl could see me run passing the office entrance with my slippers, undo hair ala2 serabai and baju yg senget2..and I’ll make my way to my desk dgn muka dah berminyak without lipstick panting for air while the rest of my colleague looked so fresh, well-prepared and muka penuh bersemangat ketuk2 keyboard buat kerja..goshh..i could say that this is all happened due to my pack schedule since last weekend, and I haven’t had a break since that..soo jam-packed with soo little time to spare..OK checklist:

Saturday-Sunday: Went back to Muar

Monday : Went to Lumut again as hubby got a meeting there, this time I brought Irina together with me..we had a good moment and I really spent my best time with her at the beach even kat tepi pantai tu irina lg byk tido dr bersuka ria dgn mommy..takpe laa..tiba rumah pukul 10.30 mlm..dgn baju kerja tak bergosok, rumah tak berkemas, beg nursery irina tak disiapkan lagi..bdn penat mcmana pun I tried my best to kautimkan everything..sempat lagi blend lada kering and bawang so esoknya tu taklah kalut2 bila nak masak..end up tido pukul 2 pagi..bersesuaian lah dgn peribahasa ”bersenang2 dahulu, bersusah2 kemudian..”

Tuesday-Thursday: my bedtime was around 1 am everyday..adoii tak thn dah bdn ni..and this week everday I woke up late, 7.30am!i drove to office dah mcm zombie and I get honk frequently form the other drivers..so sucks mann my driving skill esp in a rush hour..

So, I can conclude here that cooking, laundry and Irina all done at the same time/nite is not a good idea..sooo not a cool thing to practice..i will end up crawling on the bed around 1-2am or worst still I’ll fall asleep together with Irina without brushing my teeth or change my cloth..this babe of mine horr..lately so the verry the late sleeper one, she can stand her eyes blinking and shouting and crawling and climbing on abah’s even at 12.30midnite! never hesitate to gear-up in the middle of nite while abah and mommy struggled ourselves not to fall asleep! To make it more challenging, sometimes dia saje2 memanjakan diri sendiri dgn nak mommy pegang or dukung dia..takmau abah, so how??my housechores kena delay dah.. Someone..help me, advise me on how to put asleep my baby earlier..or is there any book in the market called ‘how to make your baby sleeps early:for dummies’?

Friday, December 09, 2005


(Sunday 4th Dec & Monday 5th Dec)

We made our way to Lumut Perak at about 1.30pm- As usual we put Irina under her grandma’s care in Cheras since the trip was all about works (hubby’s working matters), the meeting schedule was unpredictable and to tag Irina along was not really a good idea..we had our lunch at Ija’s place (my sis) in Kg Baru since I need to drop-by there to gave back her baby’s car seat..

The weather was so nice and bright and I slept up to Bidor (only 1 ½ hrs journey from kl to Bidor exit), after that was all a beautiful scenery of kampung2 and a coconut plantations..we passed-by a few districts of Hilir Perak and Perak Tgh: Teluk Intan, Setiawan and finally Lumut..it was a total of 3 and ½ hrs journey..Lumut is such a lovely place..it is just a small pekan and a checkpoint that provide jetty terminal to Pangkor..it is a calm place even loads of peoples and vehicles driving in and out, yet still a peaceful, clean and warmth place it be..bangunan2 dia pun tersusun and cantik..

after checked-in, we walked to the town area and bought some souvenirs and snek makanan laut (sotong kering, sate ikan) ikan bilis pun aku beli kat sini ngalahkan kat KL takde, kat sini lg sedap sbb dia nampak fresh..Mlm tu we all mkn kat Pantai Teluk Batik about 4km dr pekan Lumut..

ni lah attraction kat pekan Lumut ni, a row of shops yg jual mcm2 jenis mknan laut and baju ala2 hawaii gitu..tgk tu..i ada beli satu utk my babe..kecik and comel je baju bunga2 tu!

So the next day (Monday) around 10.30am hubby pergi ke Lumut Port to attend the meeting and me, hubby hantar ke town centre utk buat tour kali ke dua (semlm mcm tak puas, ni saje buat 2nd tour drpd dok tercongok kat blk hotel sorang2)..

Sambil jalan sorang2,sambil snap pics..ni gambar jeti ke Pulau Pangkor, which takes about 15min kot from mainland to pulau by ferri..hah tgk tu ramai mat salleh baru blk dr pangkor.

kat sini i beli a few souvenirs for my mum, ma and hiasan2 for my own house..

some of the views kat tgh2 pekan lumut..ada deretan cafe utk menjamu selera..mcm side walk cafe kat bkt bintangkan?mmg cantik and bersih je tempat ni..tak messy..

Blk hotel, mandi2 and tunggu hubby blk meeting..checked-out around 1.30pm and we all pergi lunch kat teluk batik lagi..so this is teluk batik..cantik pantai dia..ramai org picnic bermandi-manda kat sana..

So on the way back, byk tempat gak we all singgah, one of it was menara condong Teluk Intan..ala2 menara condong Pisa la ni..dlm gambar tak nampak slanted sgt..but tgk live, mmg condong..cam nak roboh je..so ni lah menara jam tu...

lepas singgah teluk intan, singgah plak kat Setiawan beli mangga 3 kilo..then terus meluncur blk ke kl and tiba rumah pukul 7.30mlm..

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Hari hujung minggu ku..

Saturday (3rd Dec 05)

I attended 3 open houses on Saturday..pagi tu lepas buat apa2 yg patut, me,hubby dan Irina pergi kedai mamak dlm pukul 11 pg camtu..masing2 pekena mee goreng mamak ngan teh tarik and for Irina mommy orderkan telus rebus utk dia..so sambil aku suap mee masuk mulut, sambil tu aku suapkan dia telur tu..saje je dia ni..takleh tgk org mkn bukan nak mkn sgt pun..

around 2pm, kami pun pergi ke K.Jaya, rumah boss hubby..org tak ramai lagi..kaum2 adam sume kat luar umah..aku terus masuk dlm rumah join kaum2 ibu (mostly mid 30’s women yg anak2 dah bersekolah)..aku plg muda kat situ kot..sambil mkn n layan Irina sambil tu borak2..tp takleh masuk sgt sbb diaorg dah cite psl hal anak2 kategori advanced punya..cite tuition anak, class piano anak, summer camp..aku tumpang dgr and ambik tips mana2 yg patut..dah boring lama2 aku join je hubby kat luar mkn sate..menu kat situ ada soto (sambal kicap dia pedas ke amat!), sate, nasik himpit, ketupat palas, rendang and a few options on dessert..kek coklat, puding buah, karipap, seri muka and buah2an..Irina buat perangai btul..dia menjerit nangis bila mommy tak suap dia mkn, so aku suapkan gak kek coklat ng fruit pudding..bikin malu ini budak mcm tak cukup mkn je dtg umah org ciss! So dah kenyang kitaorg pun beransur ke next destination lak, kat Keramat umah kwn hubby..

Dlm keta perut tetiba meragam..adoii..sakit yg tak dpt dithn2..ni mesti penangan soto tadi, cpt btul kesan dia..yg lawaknya belum sampai destinasi umah nak dituju aku dah tak terthn2 nak gi toilet..so kebetulan ada umah kwn hubby gak kat area situ and dia pun nak gi gak open house umah yg sama..so buat2 la singgah and konon nak gi saing, pdhal aku ada ‘hajat besar’ yg perlu dibereskan heheh!So the 2nd open house tu menu dia byk sket..ada soto (soto lg, but this one taste better), sate, roti jala, shepherd pie, chicken pie, kek, popiah basah, buah2an..adoii..nak pecah perut mkn..hubby and the gang (termasuk bini dan anak masing2) sume kumpul dlm umah as kat luar rumah (siap ada canopy lg) penuh ng jemputan2 mak kwn hubby ni tadi..ye la org kuat umno, so yg dtg tu pun ahli2 wanita umno kot..yg lawaknya masa nak blk tu ternampak la ada a few auntie2 ni sempat promote2 lg suruh jadik ahli..siap isi2 borang sume..heheh nyempat lagi promote tu!

So the third open house pun kat area keramat gak, masa ni dah kat nak pukul 6 ptg..pun kwn hubby gak yg buat ni..so kwn2 yg ada masa 2nd open house pegi sekali umah yg ke-3 tu..menu dia sume menu pantai timur (org kelate): ada laksam, laksa kelantan, nasi dagang, laksa siam..tp aku dah takleh nak sumbat dah..main pakat tgk jer..pukul 7 we all sumer berangkat nak blk, and on the way blk aku ng hubby singgah SJMC to visit kwn dia punya wife yg masuk ward kat sana..dehydrate..sbb morning sickness teruk sgt..dia tgh pregnant 3bln..teringat masa aku dulu..mmg teruk penangan mabuk tu, nak telan air kosong pun rasa nak muntah dah..

Kitaorg tiba umah dlm pkl 9mlm camtu..bdn penat sgt..tp aku tak pack brg lg sbb esoknya tu (Ahad 4th Dec) aku nak ikut hubby gi Lumut, Perak and bermlm sehari..dia ada meeting kat sana, aku?saje menempek nak tumpang sekaki berjln2, aku ambik cuti hari Isninnya tu..mlm tu tido pukul 2 pg, sempat lg basuh baju seround, pack brg Irina, brg aku ng hubby, sapu2 rumah and mop lantai..baru sng hati nak berjln kalu umah kemas ng bersih je..blk penat2 nnti taklah berserabut tgk umah..

Friday, December 02, 2005


Aku tak pernah upload gambar selain dr gambar my babe..so hari ni nak buat kelainan skit..these pics were taken during my b'day dinner with hubby..but i would like to emphasized more on the meal we ordered that nite..cite2 je takde gambar cam tak syokkan?so just wanna share the temptations that we had that nite..this place is highly recommended for steak-lovers, they claim of providing the best steak in town!As for me, aku berperut melayu..nak nasik ng lauk pauk gak baru puas rasa bila mkn..tp takpe la sekali sekala me'western'kan diri..

This was our appertizer..sharp fin soup for hubby and i order mushroom soup (takde gambar), very crreaaamy and tasty..mkn ng roti dia yg lembut and rasa lemak2 masin skit..tak mkn habis takut nnti terkenyang utk main course lak..

Our 2nd meal was cheese-baked oyster..the oyster was topped with the cheese and the cheese was quite crunchy yet melty, but the oyster part tu cam lembik2 tak masak je..so slimmy and smoothy terus masuk tekak tak sempat nak kunyah..the taste?mmm..i only can deal with the cheese..
So..this was my main course..chicken maryland..the chicken was so crispy, and ada sousages, veggies and fries..tak abis pun, masa ni perut dah ala2 'sengkak'..
ni hubby nyer main course..black papper steak..very juicy and lembut je isi dia..the black papper gravvy mmg best!
ni our last meal/dessert..peach ice-cream, order satu je sbb saje gatai2 nak rasa pdhal perut dah sengkak terkenyang takyah ckp la..ice cream ni rated 4 out of 5 sedapp! tp aku byk mkn buah peach tu je heheh..tak sanggup dah nak menambah babat!

B'day girl! (girl??alo alo..mak org dah!sedar diri skit!)

my mannn..thanks dear vewwy much for the great nite!(the rest episode of this nite can't tell one..heheh)

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Double B'day Bash!

I’m getting a year older last Sunday..

Ya Allah..
Berkati la kehidupanku..
Limpahi rahmat ke atas keluargaku..
Tingkatkan tahap keimanan dan kesabaranku
dlm menempuh dugaan dan cabaran..
Kurniakan diri dan keluargaku kesihatan dan
kesejahteraan hidup agar dpt berbakti dan beramal..
Murahkan rezeki kami sekeluarga..permudahkan segalanya..
Semuga diriku sekeluarga beroleh kebahagiaan hidup di dunia dan akhirat..

Ni lah doa yg selalu aku panjatkan di atas sejadah..dah 27thn aku hidup kat atas dunia ni, dan alhamdulillah sepanjang 27thn kehidupan bermcm2 kurniaan dan rahmat dilimpahkan yg Maha Esa kpd hambaNya ni..yg mana kdg2 aku rasa cam tak layak jer aku sebagai hambaNya nak dpt apa yg aku perolehi skang memikirkan dosa2 dan kesilapan aku yg lepas2..

Checklist menunjukkan betapa besarnya rahmat dan Maha pengampunNya Allah SWT kpd hambaNya yg hina ini (aku si insan kerdil):
-mengurniakan aku fizikal dan mental yg sihat membuatkan aku mampu utk bekerja dan membantu keluarga

-mengurniakan aku suami yg baik, bertanggungjwb dan tak pernah mengabaikan kebajikan keluarganya (so far laa..harap2 tak berubah) dan sporting juga!

-mengurniakan aku kemampuan melahirkan zuriat dan hidup aku betul2 rasa sempurna and complete dgn hadirnya Iman Irina 8 bln lps..mommy lurrvee yooou much!

-memberikan aku ibu bapa yg pandai mendidik dan membimbing serta adik beradik yg baik, supportive and sentiasa bersama tak kira susah mahupun senang..ONE FOR ALL,ALL FOR ONE! love u all and semuga dpt bersama2 dunia dan akhirat..

-mengurniakan keluarga mertua dan adik ipar yg benar2 mengambil berat dan tak teragak2 melyn aku mcm darah daging sendiri..thanks ma, abah, remie and miera (kaki lyn Irina no 1)

-mengurniakan rezeki yg murah pd aku suami isteri utk kami hidup dgn selesa..(takla mewah..biase2 jer..bak kata org boleh la nak hidup!) DAN..

-nikmat paling besar yg dikurniakan selama 27thn aku hidup atas dunia ni..aku masih beriman dan berpegang pd ajaran Islam..skang mcm2 cite org murtad..wa’iyazubillah! (even aku ni taklah alim, free-hair lagi but I try to improve nak jadik muslimah yg baik)

So..that nite, hubby bwk gi mkn kat V.Station jln Ampang..only two of us..beromantik mkn dinner dgn soup, oyster, steak, ice-cream..Alhamdulillah..Irina?dgn grandma kat Cheras laa..mommy and abah nak berdating ala2 zaman bercinta lautan berapi sanggup ku redah, hah gitu la!

Hey! enough about my b’day..jeng..jeng..jeng..another BIG DAY for me today with sort of BIG EMOTION in me jugak (don’t ask me what/why)..ok..1..2..3..

HAPPY B’DAY TO MR R.A my chintaa hati

So to my dearest husband who turn 31 years old today, the man I devote my true self sejak sethn setgh kita hidup sebumbung, tidur sekatil dan mengharungi susah sng bersama..may u get the best from The One Above in any form of anugerah..dignity and integrity..may u always be the best buddy ever!(even u always have yr ‘little’ minimie all the time with u..it’s ok for me) and may u be the great father and leader to our family..dan semoga kita sekeluarga beroleh RAHMAT dan KEBAHAGIAAN HIDUP dunia dan akhirat amin..

Both of us under the same zodiac, ngamm!!

ok ada org nak interframe gak kat sini:

"Abah, how could u leave me with grandma and go happy2 with mommy having dinner without bringing me along??mkn jari je la mcm ni auummm!!"

"Epi beshhday ab bah! Mwakks!"

I lurrrvve this song very much..

Kau selalu di hati
tak ku dekati
dua dunia kita berbeza

Cinta itu buta
dan juga boleh membutakan
melukakan dan sukar untuk kita lupakan
Aku cinta padamu
hanyalah ungkapan
luahan yang jarang bermakna bila diucapkan
Ini pula cerita cinta sang pujangga
bukan arjuna sita
bukan cinta dan rangga
Mungkinkah khayalan akal mainan minda
Atau lamaran puitis
dengan hasrat yang indah
Kau selalu di hati
tidak ku dekati
sentiasa ada mata jahat yang memerhati
Tapi ku tak runsing
tidak mungkin rinduku pusing lihat wajahmu di setiap penjuru
Senyuman di kaca
kisah mu ku baca
Perjuangan kita sama duka mu ku rasa
Aku pasrah saja pada yang Esa
Kerna ku tahu Dua dunia kita berbeza
Suka di kala malam termimipi-mimpi
Rindu di kala siang mencari-cari
Kasih sebenar tidak bertukar
tidak sebentar
walau dipisah lautan direnangi gelora
Dan kadangkala
hanyut bagaikan buah ara
malu sering bersua tapi jarang bersuara
Kenapa bercinta jika kesudahannya pasrah
Kerana bila dilamun indahnya tidak terkata
Tersimpan hasrat
tiada siapa yang mengerti
Harapan menggunung sampai penghujung dinanti
Dipegangkan janji
tetap ratu di hati
Dengan izin tuhan kan bersama kapan hari pasti
Sabar menanti
Kesabaran diuji
Berdoa dalam sujud sejadah ditangisi
Aku pasrah saja pada yang Esa
Kerna ku tahu

Dua dunia kita berbeza
Kau selalu di hati
tak ku dekati
dua dunia kita berbeza
Perjuangan seni kita tidak berpenghujung
Jangan tinggal batu bernama tak berpengunjung
Cabaran menikam
kau tidak pernah bermurung
Tetap tersenyum
walau kesedihan menyelubung
Bukan rupa paras mu yang jadi ukuran
Atau suaramu yang jadi bahan tuturan
Ku bukan mahu hubungan tapi kejujuran
Hadiah sepatah dari mu satu kesyukuran

Tapi bila bertentang mata
tidak terbentang kata
(Kata apa saja)iya tapi tentang apa
Wajah mu yang cantik
Manis lagi
Senyuman sepasti mentari timur tiap pagi
Realiti sukar diatasi
Tapi kesudahan indah harus bermula dengan fantasi
Ku rasa terhoyong-hayang
Antara dua dunia
Biar khayalan ku melayang
Kau selalu di hati
tak ku dekati
dua dunia kita berbeza