weekend:Stadium, lunch and make up session
I shall post this entry 2 weeks ago, means this entry dah terperuk dlm entry list i for 2 weeks
Last last Sunday(which was bout 2 weeks ago), we started our day quite early,we woke up around 8 am(utk seorg encik r.a dah abis awal dah 8pagi ni). Anak pun sama2 lah bgn awal, pukul 8.30 am dah mandi dan bersiap2 utk ke..stadium shah alam!
we know from our fren who stay in shah alam dat pagi2 ahad ada mcm2 org menjual kt stadium tu,it's like pasar malam but this one is a huuuuge one and dibuat pd waktu pagi. So slps beberapa siri kegagalan utk pergi ke sana di pagi ahad (due to bgn lmbt pkl 10,blk kg and so on) at last we managed to go there!
this was my lunch menu set:
satu periok tomyam campur.
sawi masak lemak and fried chicken utk budak kuat berangan.
tadaaa..dah mcm nak mkn utk sepuluh org,lihatlah nasik yg bertimbun itu, konsep 'eating for two' katanya padahaaaaal..
basically,i enjoyed my weekend,even at the end of the day i kena korbankan muka utk dijadikan bahan eksperimen seorg mak andam halus (Mak Nab jr) dan kelihatan tak ubah spt seorg 'drag queen',but i'm still happy..a happy mummy with a big tummy..