grinned from ear to ear!barbie mariposa is now a hot stuff for lil girl!thanks to makusu & mama marniza!
some of the presents,thanks all!
from left-right: nadia my youngest cuz,my mom,my sis along,my auntie mak itam and ma,MIL
Adik, mak and abah
he's cute kan?i told u my abah mmg cute n best!heheh
my dearest SIL, Miera and my along
my another sister, marniza just arrived
org kuat di belakang tabir-miera n mardiana.
inilah dia tetamu istimewa dr golongan O.K.U-MARDIANA OMAR!! clap..clap..
sesi bukak hadiah diketuai oleh ketua kanak2,auntie miera ;p
me with my collegue steven and si tempang.
with my ex-sains muar dormmate,
noha and zai,thanks dtg,luv u la bebeh!
with my long time-fren (since form 1)
hawa, we used to be called twin during those years in sek men dato' tp skang twin dah hilang,hawa lg putih n gebuuu,thanks hawa sudi dtg!
pasangan tuan rumah yg cacat
million thanks to my family;mak,abah,along,abg long,mak itam,nadia and adik for making and effort to come all the way from muar,and also to my kakak puan marniza and abg hafiz yg sudi dtg dan sanggup menghangkot iman blk ke rumahnya mlm itu utk memberi peluang mommy and abah berehat,thanks mar. thanks to mak uteh sefamily.
also my warmest thanks to my MIL ma and miera yg sama2 menyumbang idea n tenaga utk majlis yg tak seberapa ni esp to miera,thanks sponsor goodie bag n party hat,thanks a lot sis!.
and a special thanks to my one and only adik,mardiana,even adik dtg dgn diri yg serba kekurangan dan kedaifan serta tempang akibat kaki injured jatuh longkang,but akak appreciate ur morale support,serba kesakitan kan hari tu,kaki sakit..dompet sakit (2 barbie mariposakan) dan skang hati pulak sakit baca ni kan hahaha!!
oh ya,thanks bebyk to along and ra sbb sponsor sate,along,u r the real Ah Long!heheh
thanks to my frens noha,zai,nad,dena,hawa,shai,sheila and kani,thanks for the present ya!
thanks to my collegue ganesh,howard and steven,thanks to cikgu2 nursery iman irina,thanks to joey and kak huda my neighbour,and thanks to hubby's frens n colleagues, thanks all!
and last but not least,a trillion thanks to mr R.A yg sgt bersabar dgn kerenah 'project manager' dr sebelum majlis smapai majlis habis dan juga bertindak sebagai financial controller dgn cemerlang.(dpt discountkn syg?my facial cleanser how?heheh)
to my frens yg tak dpt attend,takpe takde rezeki kita nak berjumpa haritu,next time insyaAllah..