Bubbles of Life

Life is what life is

Monday, January 28, 2008

at last..

i cant believe that i'm here again. It's been a while since i last updated my blog. As what eiseai wrote in her blog,something wrong with the internet connection. At first i thought it was this office's IT system that went haywire (as it always be), but nope..some of the ppl outhere also experienced the same thing. so that's ok,tidak perlu berterusan mencarut dan memaki IT staff di dlm hati ;p

and oh the workload matter too..my work is just killing me esp when the big festive season is just around the corner. Everything and anything MUST BE DONE before CNY break, no matter how much u have the urge to pee or pass motion,tahankan sahaja hatta kamu mungkin berpotensi utk tercirit di atas kerusi, yeah to that extent,and and at the same time berharap shj yg mungkin bonus kamu akan betambah sekali ganda sebagai reward kpd perbuatan mencirit kerana kamu telah mengutamakan kerja dan kepentingan syarikat lebih dr segala-galanya, itu sesuatu yg hebat utk dibygkan bukan?

ok, enough marfuza.

Well, nothing much happened to me and the babes, i mean the small babe and the big babe..and same goes to me-i notice that we spend more at home than outside now-like for the past 2 weekend,we just stucked our butt on the couch lazying around while flipping to all the channel and i cooked the whole day,i mean for lunch and dinner. And i have new routine too, to get my day start early on saturday mrng and bring irina out for some leisure activity since hubby is working halfday. We will go for breakfast and have our roti canai and teh tarik before we hit to a huuuuge playground at tmn tasik shah alam. Irina will lost in her own world while me sitting at the nearby bench reading my newspaper and monitoring her..ahhh such a pleasure morning to start with..dan sekiranya bernasib baik dapatlah sampai awal ke rumah which is around 12noon, butttt tidak selamanya bernasib baik dimana kdgkala terpaksa melakukan lawatan sosial ke shopping2 complex dan melaburkan sejumlah wang di kedai2 mainan,kedai buku ataupun kedai dvd,then only i managed to drag her back home.

Another thing is we are now busy working on our hse compound project yg berkeadaan tidak ubah spt pdg ragut, or maybe worse than that,padang jarak padang tekukur is more like it. i just cant stand the ugly side of it so we already decided to plant a carpetgrass,and it cost about rm5 per 1 sq.ft,and after we total it up, the figure become rm2k utk tanah sekangkang kera kat depan and that not so huge backyard,rm2k?rm2k?????is this real or not?so any mommies out there yg ada experince with the lawn project,is this price reasonable?urghh i thnk it's too late to ask for opinion since we paid half of the cost already..pepatah ckp takde duit tgh bulan mkn pasir kan,hubby ckp tgh bulan boleh mkn rumput,buat ulam..hmmppff..

oh i would like to say sorry to eiseai for taking such a long time to do the handbag tag she tagged me. So sally,here goes my handbag story!

My handbag, my purse and my usang handphone. There's 3 component inside this handbag,so the most important thing i.e handphone and wallet shall be in the same main component,so it wud be easy to acess.

The 2nd component consist of peralatan2 mak andam: hairbrush, eyeliner,lipbalm,lipgloss, lipstick,mascara,2-way cake foundation,moisturizer goshh..most of u must be wonder punya lah byk make up dlm handbag tapi muka marfuza mcm tu jugak..maybe I shall opt for plastic surgery or extreme makepover after dis ;) oh there’s my fav eternity parfume and nina ricci lotion too,sebagai penyelamat tatkala berbau masam menjelang tghari

Tissue cap tesco,wet tissue (will be used for some comot occasion like iirina mkn ice cream,tgn mommy melengas melekit bla bla) and there’s a small notepad and pens for some jotdown purpose but most of the time for irina to conteng2 or mommy to draw cat,star,car and abah’s face for her.

The 3rd component (which is zipped) is for emergency purpose like err sanitary pad,panty liner,uphamol to treat my migraine, all the hairclips during my bad hairday (which is everyday hoh!),some mint tablets,minyak geliga (utk luka,gatal),handyplast..ni kalau ada dettol,wool cotton,bandage n yellow lotion komfem la marfuza boleh jadik paramedic bergerak..
ok,i shall start doing my work again,sambil membygkan mendpt bonus 6bln..tanpa perlu mencirit di atas kerusi of course ;)

oh lupa pulak, i'm tagging noha,zura,Dotty, mommyalif, Nad, Raf & mira
to reveal their handbag,so kawan2,sila lah ya

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Iman Irina's zone


Nama saya Iman Irina.

saya merupakan anak yg baik kpd mommy dan abah.

saya sering sembahyang di sebelah abah. Saya suka meniru abah melakukan perbuatan2 di dlm sembahyang spt berdiri, sujud dan duduk. Walaupun saya mempunyai sejadah sendiri, kadang2 saya berhasrat utk sujud dan berdiri di di hadapan abah dgn tujuan berkongsi sejadah. Mommy akan marah dan cpt2 mengangkat saya sambil meletakkan saya di sebelah. Saya tidak mengerti mengapa harus marah ttp tidak mengapa.

saya suka memakai tudung ini. Walaupun mak usu suka mentertawakan saya sambil berkata saya kelihatan spt anak org acheh, saya suka dgn renda dan reben di atas tudung ini. Ia menambahkan lg keanggunan saya. Tambahan pula tokmak dan tokbak yg membelikannya utk saya. Saya merasa sgt gembira.

selain drpd itu, saya suka membantu mommy di dapur. Jikalau dahulu semasa saya masa kecil, mommy hanya akan memberikan saya cawan dan menyuruh duduk di atas lantai, ttp tidak sekarang. Saya sudah besar dan boleh memanjat sendiri ke atas kabinet. Saya merasakan spt dapur itu saya yg punya walaupun muka mommy tidak ubah spt simba lion king menjegilkan mata kpd saya tapi saya tidak takut. Minat saya terhadap sinki dan kepala paip itu mengatasi segala2nya.

saya akan membasuh cawan atau apa2 shj yg dpt saya capai. Saya akan membasuhnya berulang2. Selagi seluar tidak basah dan mommy tidak menjerit,saya akan melakukannya tanpa jemu. Saya hanya akan berhenti apabila Puan Simba sudah tidak thn lalu mengangkat saya walaupun saya meronta2 menangis.

Saya ingin memberitahu anda satu rahsia. Ini ialah tmpt persembunyian saya yg terbaru.

Saya suka berada di sini terutamanya apabila mood saya tidak berapa baik.Mommy berkata saya mungkin mengalami PMS. Kadang2 saya tidak mahu menukar diaper yg saya pakai walaupun ia sudah agak berat. Saya tidak mahu dan mommy akan marah. Saya lantas menyorok di tmpt persembunyian saya.

Saya tahu rambut saya kelihatan spt mop apabila berada terlalu lama di tmpt persembunyian. Agak panas dan berkuwap di belakang itu. Tetapi saya tidak kisah,janji diaper berat itu akan sentiasa bersama saya.

Slps puas membuat perangai dan menyebabkan mommy meroyan, saya mengambil keputusan utk bersiar2 di luar rumah dgn menaiki basikal bersama babybear kesukaan saya. Saya akan bermain sehingga ptg dan tidak akan mahu masuk ke dlm rumah walaupun hari sudah menjelang senja. Sayup2 saya akan terdgr mommy menjerit lagi.

Sekian shj cerita dprd saya.May u have a nice weekend, as nice as mine.
Bye bye.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

The Sweetest Things..

2007 passed by within a blink, at least that’s what I feel. Said bye-bye to 2007, welcome 2008. I don’t know what this year got to offer me. I just wish it will be as blissful n meaningful as last year,like all the things that happened to me and my family esp towards the end of the year. My mak and abah’s grant to perform Hajj had been fulfilled and they also returned home safely on 30th Dec, I had 2 wonderful trips, managed to stay in our own house, have my own car, career advancement, oh God,I couldn’t ask for more,it’s more than what I expect to achieve,i feel so gratify, Alhamdulillah for all the good things He bestowed me..

My beloved Mak yg sdg terharu sambil teruja..missed her so much!

Selamat kembali, Syukran syukran..

bakal2 pak haji

So that’s the good part,how bout the not-so-syiok part?hmm still ada,nothing goes perfect without any flaws rite?well,this thning that I’m going to list down tiap2 taun ada k under my ‘must -achieve’ list,dan tiap2 taun jugak at the end of the day akan masuk under my ‘fail-to-achieve-big-time-punya’ list which is:
1) jerawat free- hampasss..ni ada seketul besar kt tepi idung,apsal la byk2 tmpt kt situ kau nak duduk bertenggek?menci k
2) babat free-faillll,big time punya failll..malahan telah membesar sebagai johan di sebalik baju
3) cellulite-free – bersepah2 dan sgt degil,mungkin next year perlu masuk under ‘mission impossible’ list
4) further study-hoih tiap2 taun ada ni,tp masih tidak jemu dan berputus asa utk letak dlm list, sekadar hiasan ke apa ni tatau la-but i really wish to do this
On top of all this,the most important thing is I want to be a better person, as in overall a better muslimah, a better wife,better mommy, better daughter and better in every single thing that I do, but I cant help myself to be better in terms of femininity , ‘soft-spoken wanita melayu terakhir’ that kind of thing ,adalah sgt fail itu,I cant stop being witty and ckp melalut laa,just bear with me k fren,nasib laki gua tahan sbb tu la dia boleh jadik laki gua heheh
Oh another big achievement during 2007 was my hubby quited smoking already,after berbelas2 thn menghirup asap rokok dan menikmati nicotin,at last he gave-up!yahu!sakit dada dah kan yang?takut kan?tanak jadik mcm Loga kan?hah tau takpe-I’m very proud of him sgt2!selain dr saya berasa bangga,hati saya juga kembang berbunga kerana dgn saving duit rokok itu juga saya secara automatic telah dpt menambah koleksi2 baju dan kasut2 heheh,’pau’ jgn tak ‘pau’ ..
And on irina’s achievement, she has achieved something big!something really hard to do but she managed to do it. She has stopped suck on her pacifier!she’s now a pacifier-free toddler yahu!,lega sgt mommy,so takde la mulut tu asik bertampal jer,rimas k tgk-And recently,she also managed to sleep on her own bed and room. Tiada lg berkongsi bilik with us. I did some decoration to her room so that she would love to stay in her own room tanpa perlu menangis di tengah2 mlm minta utk tido menyelit antara mommy n abah.

Selain dr menjadi kejayaan irina,ia turut mencatatkan satu jayaan peribadi bg puan marfuza dan mr r.a kerana telah mendpt kembali ruang2 privacy di dlm blk sendiri,ini lah dia kejayaan terbesar 2007 yg paling bermakna!yahu!

feel like 'muntah darah' anyone?:P