at last..
i cant believe that i'm here again. It's been a while since i last updated my blog. As what eiseai wrote in her blog,something wrong with the internet connection. At first i thought it was this office's IT system that went haywire (as it always be), but nope..some of the ppl outhere also experienced the same thing. so that's ok,tidak perlu berterusan mencarut dan memaki IT staff di dlm hati ;p
and oh the workload matter work is just killing me esp when the big festive season is just around the corner. Everything and anything MUST BE DONE before CNY break, no matter how much u have the urge to pee or pass motion,tahankan sahaja hatta kamu mungkin berpotensi utk tercirit di atas kerusi, yeah to that extent,and and at the same time berharap shj yg mungkin bonus kamu akan betambah sekali ganda sebagai reward kpd perbuatan mencirit kerana kamu telah mengutamakan kerja dan kepentingan syarikat lebih dr segala-galanya, itu sesuatu yg hebat utk dibygkan bukan?
ok, enough marfuza.
Well, nothing much happened to me and the babes, i mean the small babe and the big babe..and same goes to me-i notice that we spend more at home than outside now-like for the past 2 weekend,we just stucked our butt on the couch lazying around while flipping to all the channel and i cooked the whole day,i mean for lunch and dinner. And i have new routine too, to get my day start early on saturday mrng and bring irina out for some leisure activity since hubby is working halfday. We will go for breakfast and have our roti canai and teh tarik before we hit to a huuuuge playground at tmn tasik shah alam. Irina will lost in her own world while me sitting at the nearby bench reading my newspaper and monitoring her..ahhh such a pleasure morning to start with..dan sekiranya bernasib baik dapatlah sampai awal ke rumah which is around 12noon, butttt tidak selamanya bernasib baik dimana kdgkala terpaksa melakukan lawatan sosial ke shopping2 complex dan melaburkan sejumlah wang di kedai2 mainan,kedai buku ataupun kedai dvd,then only i managed to drag her back home.
Another thing is we are now busy working on our hse compound project yg berkeadaan tidak ubah spt pdg ragut, or maybe worse than that,padang jarak padang tekukur is more like it. i just cant stand the ugly side of it so we already decided to plant a carpetgrass,and it cost about rm5 per 1 sq.ft,and after we total it up, the figure become rm2k utk tanah sekangkang kera kat depan and that not so huge backyard,rm2k?rm2k?????is this real or not?so any mommies out there yg ada experince with the lawn project,is this price reasonable?urghh i thnk it's too late to ask for opinion since we paid half of the cost already..pepatah ckp takde duit tgh bulan mkn pasir kan,hubby ckp tgh bulan boleh mkn rumput,buat ulam..hmmppff..
oh i would like to say sorry to eiseai for taking such a long time to do the handbag tag she tagged me. So sally,here goes my handbag story!
My handbag, my purse and my usang handphone. There's 3 component inside this handbag,so the most important thing i.e handphone and wallet shall be in the same main component,so it wud be easy to acess.
The 2nd component consist of peralatan2 mak andam: hairbrush, eyeliner,lipbalm,lipgloss, lipstick,mascara,2-way cake foundation,moisturizer goshh..most of u must be wonder punya lah byk make up dlm handbag tapi muka marfuza mcm tu jugak..maybe I shall opt for plastic surgery or extreme makepover after dis ;) oh there’s my fav eternity parfume and nina ricci lotion too,sebagai penyelamat tatkala berbau masam menjelang tghari