b'day girl (girl??)
Since last week was Ija's b'day, i planned to blog about her; my sistah whom i respect n adore since my childhood time. Both of us gap umur cuma setahun, she's 29 n i'm 18 oopss 28 to be exact, so bcoz of this small age gap we become closed, mcm kembar gituu..kecik2 dulu selalu pakai baju sama esp time raya, sng cite org ckp kain satu papan la, size bdn pun lbh kurang sama, so ppl mmg tgk we all mcm budak kembar-when Ija enrolled standard 1 and i only had to stay at home, i always felt like following her to school, not used of not having her around me. I grumped and cried and begged abah to send me to school too,so that i could be with Ija. So both of us enrolled the same school during primary and secondary. Masa primary, bila recess mesti rehat sama2, mkn bekal yg we all bwk dr rumah. Pergi sekolah agama pun sama2 bersaing kayuh basikal...pendek kata, sentiasa bersama n apa yg Ija dpt i mesti nak dpt n merasa jugak, example?contoh paling extreme dan melampau ialah when she experienced that first ehem menstrual process n i hadn't yet, i felt so frustrated n impatient and cant wait for my turn as Ija experienced it already, everyday i check i told u, ye la to be at par with ija in everything, so evey single thing counted,mesti sama!..haha teruk..teruk....and at last i got it after 2 yrs checking without failed hihi.
So we gradually grown up together n during our secondary school time, masing2 dah ada geng sendiri kat sekolah, tak rehat sama2 dah but still both of us very closed n take care of each other at school. Masa ni i tak panggil dia ija dah, n i warned her too not to call me as my nickname kat rumah,konon malu la ng geng2 lain, so both of us addressed ourselves as 'Mar' since dekat sekolah sume org panggil we all 'Mar'. So smpi skang la i panggil dia mar,dia panggil i mar heheh-so we all start berpisah when i enrolled sains muar, dok la kat asrama while ija stayed at home schooling at our former school. Mak ckp first nite i takda n masa dinner kat rumah bila tgk telur goreng ija tersyahdu sbb dia teringatkan adik dia sorang ni yg mmg suka mkn telur goreng hihi (ija never admit this to me, but this is what i'd been told by mak)-i kat sek pun terasa gak ketiadaan ija, we all biasa buat homework sama2, she's good in math n biology, she helped me a lot,so bila dia takda terasa jugak la..
So, to cut it short, Ija masuk uni after that, bintang dia cerah compared to me, she's intelligent n hardworking n concentrate on her study terus jadi best student kat uni, then got offered to do masters in audiology kat southampton n now jadi lecturer serta bergaji besar-beza sgt ngan adik dia ni yg huhahuha sana sini masa study, so bintang pun tak secerah kakaknya n keje pun ala2 kadar cukup2 mkn je laa.. hah rasain kau skang mommamia! hehe-so skang kami sama2 dah jadi ibu, she's a happy mom of a pair-Qistina and Aliff and dah puas berkongsi byk perkara,skang turn berkongsi cite n tips psl anak pulak. Too many things both of us shared together since our childhood time, ye la membesar di era yg sama, dgr genre music yg sama, suka drama series yg sama, baca novel n komik yg sama (enid blyton,gila2,koqin karemo!) suka duka susah sng byk yg kami tempuhi bersama..semoga dipjgkan umur dan dimurahkan rezeki sekeluarga, tambah family member lagi?ke dah trauma?hihi
happy 29th b'day to u sis!